Featured Story - Jeffrey Mather
Jeffrey Mather is a 30 year veteran in the sport media industry, currently working as a freelance director and producer. He also teaches multiple sport media courses at Toronto Metropolitan University. To learn more about Jeff's story, check out our feature interview, and article.
A Playmaker's Path is meant to inspire those who have a passion for sport, and want to put it to use. By sharing the stories of industry professionals, we look to inspire those who hope to follow in their footsteps.
A Playmaker's Path is meant to be used as the ultimate learning tool and guide into the sport media industry. With this site, we hope we are able to help aspiring professional learn more about the industry, and themselves
Bring Awareness
The sport media landscape is incredibly vast, with many opportunities and jobs up for grabs. We hope to bring awareness to the complexity, and variety that sport media offers.
Create a Legacy
At 924 Productions, it is our goal that A Playmaker's Path creates a legacy that will outlive all of our times attending university. By sharing the stories and knowledge we've gained, it is our goal to leave an impact on many future Sport Media students to help them create their own path.
Our Mission
Impactful Quotes
I was thinking I would come out of school and maybe be a stockbroker. Instead I was drawn to this sports television and he startup of TSN way back.
Jeff Mather
You got to find something that you love to do, because if you can find something like that, it's still going to feel like work, but it makes it easier for sure.
Laura Diakun
When you're in an industry with people from so many cultures, and backgrounds, the best part of the job are the relationships and connections you make along the way.
Dan Berlin